jims legacy 01 - jim sees dead people Page 6
I searched room to room ignoring the female vampires, trying to track down the asshole. I finally found them in the basement. Gabriela and Stephanie were in a cage. Sam was on a table, his body stretched out across it, pulled taught by ropes at his hands and feet. The asshole was leaning above him with a carving knife stained with blood. He looked up at me with satisfaction on his face.
He said cheerfully, “Good good, letting that one go pulled you right to me.” Then he sneered and said, “I am going to make you regret destroying my progeny.”
This guy was toast, he had no chance, he couldn’t rush me and I could blast him at any time. I laughed at him and said, “Your progeny was a sad sick bastard, much like you. I am going to enjoy killing you too.”
Unfortunately I was over confident in my energy shield, I never considered he wouldn’t just rush me and die, or wait until I blasted him with energy at my leisure. Proving my stupidity he laughed and said, “Your shield won’t stop this.”
He pulled a gun out and shot me, it hurt, a lot. The bullet entered my shoulder and I fell to the floor screaming in pain. My active shield started to heal me, and I wasted no more time and blasted concentrated light energy at him. For a minute I didn’t think it would work, but then it cut through his roiling dark energy and burned a huge hole in his head. Without a brain he fell to the floor dead.
I destroyed all his followers, not interested in any more he made me do it excuses. If they couldn’t stand for themselves they would just join some other sick bastards arsenal. I healed Sam and then let out Gabriela. Most of the girls were hurt, and I couldn’t heal vampires, they needed dark energy. Sam flippantly mentioned no guys back at the dorm would mind giving a little blood if they were left with a smile.
I snickered and said, “You know, that’s not a bad idea. You’ll have to leave me out though, I don’t think I could hold back my energy and that would kill them, plus I think it would earn me three orders to go sleep on the couch.”
I grinned as Marie and Nikki shook their heads at my poor joke but said in concert, “Damn right.”
We all got back to the dorm and the vamps descended on the unsuspecting sleeping men. I imagined there would be lots of smiles in the morning and snickered. Gabriella and Sam stayed behind though, as she had him to feed from, so it was just the three of us that went back to the room.
Mia and Pia were both smiling when we went in. Mia jumped up and into my arms giving me a hug and a deep kiss before whispering in my ear, “Thank you Jim, being able to talk to my sister again is amazing.”
Then she stepped back and arched an eyebrow and said, “I’ll even forgive that lie you told me.”
I looked at her, confusion on my face and she said, “You told me she showed up after we were done, she just explained that she saw most of it, and you’re a sick exhibitionist that was locking eyes with her while you were fucking me.”
Oops, I opened my mouth, and then closed it. Not sure what to say I just waited. Mia’s face cracked and she giggled, “I’m not mad at all. Actually it kind of turned me on to hear it. My sister said it was hot didn’t she?”
When I nodded she continued with a whisper in my ear, “Well we are a lot alike.”
Nikki blurted from behind me, “Awesome, does that mean you will share him with Marie and I? I mean you would come first of course, being the only one of us his species and umm, alive… So…” She kind of trailed off at that point, not sure what to say next.
Mia raised her eyebrow and looked at me.
I shrugged and said, “That’s all between you ladies, I’ll abide by whatever you decide. I guess that means it’s all up to you since they will respect what you want,” I trailed off too, not really knowing where to go with it.
Mia asked, “Do you love them?”
I nodded slowly, “Yes, I grew up with Marie and fell in love with her around 10 years old. And Nikki I just met recently, but how could I not love her, she is my angel, devoted to me. But the truth is they are right, I can’t have a family with or marry either one. They are the ones that encouraged me to find someone that could be with me that is on the human life side of the equation.”
I shrugged, “They are the ones leaving the decision to you but I will add I agree. It is up to you if you want to share my body with them, but, that’s just the one thing. I will always love them regardless if we have sex or not and they will always be a big part of my life.”
I was glad she hadn’t asked me if I loved her, because honestly I wasn’t sure yet. I knew I was in lust, and I knew I liked her personality, and I respected the hell out of her intellect. It was all very complicated in my head, I wanted all of them but that made me feel like I was a bad guy, guilty for wanting three when just any one of them would probably be more than I deserve.
She thought about what I said and then started to smile, I nervously waited for her to either accept it, tell me to fuck off, or say she had to think about it.
She said, “That was the only answer I would have been okay with. If you were just letting them fuck you because it was easy, or free sex I would have taken off and never spoken to you again. I think I can deal with it, as long as you’re ok with the reverse of course.”
I said, “The reverse?”
Mia nodded, “Of course, you sharing me with them. Assuming of course they or I ever want to do such a thing, right now it’s about you being ok with the possibility. Are we all equals in this love nest or are we just supposed to be your harem?”
I cringed inside at the word harem and thought about it. These were wonderful ladies, not to be just used by me. I didn’t really have a word for it, but everyone loving everyone sounded like a much better idea. Plus the thought of Nikki and Mia going at it was making me hard.
I slowly nodded, “I hadn’t given it much thought, but I don’t see why not. Actually it would be better that way I would think. I don’t like the idea of a harem at all. I wouldn’t neglect you and I would expect the same though, you girls can work out a schedule or something.” I couldn’t help but snicker after I said that.
Mia smirked and said, “Well hit me with some more power then leave, it’s time for the girls to talk.”
I did as she asked then left, the more they could work out on their own the better. It was close to dawn and I saw all the hot young vampire babes leaving looking much better, unbelievable. I went into one of the smaller common rooms with a door I could close that had a small TV and a desk and popped something on. To my surprise I saw Pia skip in with a huge smile on her face.
“Mia sent me to keep you company,” she said with a wink. Pia was fidgety. The girl was full of energy and kind of wild. She jumped into my lap sideways and kissed my cheek, then freely wiggled about trying to get comfortable, at least until she noticed the side effects.
She giggled and her body froze. She asked teasingly, “Oops, was that me?”
The woman was teasing me, so I did the only thing I could think of that wouldn’t get me smacked, I started to tickle her. Of course realizing too late that making her squirm in my lap would just exasperate the point of the problem.
Once she settled down she said, “You and my sister were pretty hot last night.”
I wasn’t sure where she was going with this, so I just smiled and nodded.
She got an awkward look on her face and said quickly, “We obviously talked about it when you left us alone, she umm, well, said that we, well, could… You know…?”
I looked up at her and said in surprise, “She did?” Holy crap. My cock twitched.
She looked down at me and her playful smile was gone, the wildness that she displayed last night and all day today completely absent. There was an open vulnerability showing in her eyes as she nodded. I understood then, in a rare flash of insight, that Pia was the exact opposite of Mia.
Mia was reserved in public, not a big flirt, considering of her actions. But in bed she was wild thing and loved it a little rough.
Pia was her mirror, not only in looks but re
versed in personality. She was wild in public, a big flirt, confident. In bed though, I just knew she would show reserve. Not lack of passion, just more gentle than rough and wild. There would need to be squeezes and caresses instead of pinches, pulls and spanks. Nibbles and brushing of my lips instead of bites.
The vulnerable look in her eyes hooked me in a way the wild flirting she had done previously never could. In fact, if she died 10 years ago she would have been young at the time, so probably another virgin ghost despite her current age of 22. Her wild demeanor was probably from lack of being able to communicate. She never learned the reserve growing up. Maybe she would change in the future but I knew right now she needed gentle strength, and she would get it.
I cupped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, exploring her lips with my own. As she responded I slipped my tongue between her lips causing her to make a satisfied noise and deepen the pressure of the kiss. She moved so she was straddling me straight on and ground herself against me, her movement tentative now. My cock strained against my pants as her core rubbed against it.
Going with my initial impression I slid my hands under her shirt and caressed the bottom of her breasts with my thumbs as stroked her skin below. She moaned into my mouth and stuck her chest out, surrendering her breasts to my ministrations. I slid my hands up and cupped her globes. I started to knead her with my fingertips, occasionally grazing her hardening nipples.
She arched her back to get a little space from me and removed her shirt, she giggled as it disappeared when she dropped it on the floor, clothes being part of her energy and not really there. She dissolved the rest with a thought and looked down at me.
I caressed her body up and down with my eyes, as I looked into her eyes she saw the approval and admiration of her beautiful body reflected there. She also saw a growing lust. I pulled her gently to me with my fingertips, guiding her body toward me as I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked. I started to tease it with my lips and tongue and with very light nips with my teeth. My hands slowly caressed down her back then squeezed her rounded ass cheeks.
I stood her up a moment to strip myself, and then kissed her standing up, her body melting against and conforming to mine. I could tell she was nervous when I bent her down over the table, her body tightened up. She both wanted me to take her but was also frightened. I kissed down her back while massaging her ass cheeks and inner thigh until I was kneeling behind her.
Her smooth creamy ass in front of my eyes, her mouth watering puckered hole peeked out at me from her crack. Her shaven mound exposed to my eyes as I spread her legs with light touches of my fingertips to her inner thighs. I leaned in and brushed my lips along her labia before running my tongue along it, my hands massaging and caressing her cheeks and teasing puckered hole.
As I took her toward her first orgasm I could feel her body drain of the nerves and fright, realizing and believing I would be gentle with her, not the way I was with her sister last night. Her body responded to my every touch, pushing against me wanting more contact as I teased her to her height. I felt her body tremble against my fingertips and honey covered lips as her pot released her juices all over my face. I did my best to capture all of her taste in my mouth but it was too much and I felt her dripping off of my chin.
I moaned in approval at her taste, my cock jumping as her velvety folds sucked my tongue inside of her, my finger teasing her dark star with light touches and circles as it tightened. My name on her lips was spoken with passion and need. I doubled my efforts and attacked her clit with my lips and tongue and then slid a pinkie finger into her tight warmth.
She came three times on the tip of my tongue and hands before I was able to get two fingers inside her and loosen her enough for me to invade her with my pole. I carried her back to the couch and sat down as she straddled me. Her face and skin were glowing in pleasure but she looked nervous again now that the time was here.
I kissed her softly and said, “You control it. I’ll let you drop as deep as you want, when you want. I caressed her beautiful face and kissed her again, then ran my hands down her body and cupped her ass to give her some support and lifted her up and over my rock hard cock. She lowered herself down onto me, the head pushing against her silken folds, her juice dripping down and covering my cock in her lubrication.
She gasped as the head popped in, separating her lips. I held her in place while she got used to it. Then she lowered as far as she could without breaking that barrier. Her face screwed up in determination and I think I must have turned white when she drove herself hard down on my cock, breaking the barrier and burying all seven inches of me inside her.
She screamed and my cock felt like it had a vise around it. In hindsight I should have controlled it, I didn’t see that coming and she was in major pain right now.
I pulled her against me and held her still. I started to kiss her neck and caress her ass crack and cheeks as she tried to recover. Slipping a hand between us I started to rub her clit as I took one of her nipples in my mouth. Her gasping breaths started to change from pain to pleasure as I manipulated her dark star, clit and breasts at the same time.
My cock started to feel like it was enveloped in tight warmth as she slowly relaxed, the almost painful vice like feeling fading away. She started to rise and gasped in pain again, but she fought through it and started to bounce on my cock and grind her hips against mine on the bottom of her down strokes. It didn’t take long at that point.
“Oh god Jim, this is incredible,” Pia said between panted breaths.
Right when she started to come I circled the rim of her dark star and gently pushed down on her button with my other hand. The scream from her mouth this time was the good kind as she soaked my pole and balls with her honey. Her pussy felt so good and warm around my cock, the only thing holding me back this long was the pain she was in earlier made me cringe in sympathy and destroyed my buildup until that point, but now she was in ecstasy, her orgasm going on and on as I stimulated her clit and dark star.
I couldn’t hold back as her honey pot demandingly milked my cock, determined that I fill it with my seed. I cried out against her soft breasts and looked up into her beautiful eyes as I pumped my seed into Pia.
I held her close and kissed her. Her stunning eyes still vulnerable but filled with trust as we held each other and kissed, slowly exploring each other with soft hands, until she felt me growing hard again within her. Her eyes went wide and she smiled at me as we started round two...
Chapter 6
It was Monday morning, English Lit 101, my absolute favorite class ever in the history of the world. Okay, so it wasn’t really the class, just when Nikki usually came to claim her time with me, and usually in some really perverted fantasy. The first time she was a cheerleader, the next a nun. Last week she was a catholic school girl, I was wondering what she would do this time.
I don’t know how they arranged it, but my time was pretty evenly split between the four of them. After the second vampire crisis things had settled down a bit, considering I had 4 lovely very complicated females in my life it has been surprisingly drama free lately.
There were a few tense moments when Stephanie tried to get me in bed, she is surprisingly grateful I saved her life twice, but her dark energy and my light really wont mix well, it’s better all around to avoid that whole situation. In fact the whole thing about 18 hot young vampires wanting to thank me but me not being able to would bother me, if my social and sex life weren’t so rich to begin with already.
Hmm, class started a few minutes ago and Nikki hasn’t shown up yet. Which is really weird, because even without the sex part she should be here as my guardian. Even when having private sex with others I can usually sense her close by, I can’t sense her at all right now. Weird.
Getting a little worried I closed my eyes and concentrated, searching for the energy signature I know so well of my twisted sexy little angel. I felt it in my dorm room, and there was definitely something wrong, I also felt the corru
ption of dark energy. Without a thought to the scene it would make I jumped out of my chair and sprinted for the exit.
I was heavily winded as I ran into my dorm room and took in the scene. Nikki was lying on the floor unconscious, there seemed to be a darkness surrounding her, eating her energy. I looked up and saw Marie. She had a hideous look on her face. Dark, evil and wrong. I could see dark energy twisting her spirit.
Marie screamed at me, “THIS IS YOUR FAULT, you are ours!!! If you kept your dick in your pants and didn’t bother to save those vampire SLUTS this never would have happened.”
I raised power to try and cleanse Marie of the taint twisting her soul but she shrieked at me and disappeared. Dismissing that trouble for later I rushed over and pulled Nikki into my arms and bathed her in light energy burning the dark energy off of her body. I fed her energy too, but she didn’t wake up. Parts of her seemed missing and I started to panic which made me rage.
Full of anger at what could have done this I learned a new skill as I so often did when I lose conscious control and let instinct guide me. The light energy seemed to respond to my thoughts and desires when I brought it up inside me and imbued it with purposeful thought.
So when I brought up the energy and thought of needing to be at Stephanie’s. Well I ripped a hole in reality and stepped through into the abandoned house where Sam lived with his vampire girlfriend Gabriela. Along with Stephanie and the other female vamps.
I screamed for Andrea as I walked through the house, all the vampires were currently asleep in the basement but Sam should be here and so should his angel. She would know what to do. She better know how to fix Nikki.
I sensed her in one of the upstairs bedrooms and started that way. When I sensed the twisted powerful dark energy in there with her I put Nikki down and ran into the room. I saw Andrea standing in front of a sleeping Sam, Gabriela in his arms unconscious with the sun up. Andrea was trying to defend herself from tentacles of dark power. I opened up the aperture in my head and sent a beam of light energy at the dark figure.