Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1 Read online

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  She paced back and forth as he unchained the children. He lightly slapped the parent’s faces, waking them up. They gave a grateful smile, thanked him and took their kids and slipped out the back and made for the woods. He didn’t blame them, they had their own kids to protect.

  “So should we go after another group?” he asked thoughtfully.

  She looked reluctant to him but nodded her head and padded softly out the back door. She knew the town better so he didn’t even question it and followed as silently as he could. They cleared out three more houses, he was fast and a good fighter, but she was incredibly fast in tiger form, and ruthless.

  He didn’t hear a thing, but on their way to the next house his head exploded in pain and he fell to the ground. He could hear Kat’s cries of pain as well. He couldn’t move and couldn’t think.

  “Enjoy your nap slaves, you should both do well in the mines. I’ve followed your bloody trail and I’m quite impressed. I’m the captain of this little group and you’ve killed quite a number of my men, I hope you are prepared to pay the price for that.”

  The pain grew alarmingly high at that point. Did this man actually have a magical talent to cause pain in a victim? His body started shuddering as all of his nerves seemed to be set on fire at once, and mercifully he passed out…

  He woke slowly, every muscle in his body was screaming. He was in chains and lying on the street. He was able to stand up and look around, the nearby soldiers barely took notice.

  With relief he noticed Katrina next to him, awake and standing with a scowl on her face. Judging by the suns he had been out for a couple of hours at least. More people were standing by him in chains, ranging from children to young men and woman a little older than he was. They were surrounded by twenty guards.

  The captain that had put him down so easily was about twenty feet in front of him, facing the other way where the rest of the town was gathered in the street. There were ten more soldiers on the far side of the crowd.

  The captain started talking, “Now that everyone is… awake, here are my orders. You are all now Egerians, we are here to stay this time. Soon, the kingdom of Abelaweth will no longer exist. These people behind me, will be slaves. If you follow my directions, all of you will be free to live as you wish, if you disobey me, or one of my soldiers, you will die. There will be no second chances so choose wisely.”

  Five of the guards started to organize us in a line, obvious preparations to march us south to who knows where. He was trying to think of a way to escape when he heard a woman scream. It was not a scream of horror, or one of pain. No, it was a scream of anger and rage. He barely perceived the figure of a woman coming at him at high speed before she was already past him; she had to be running faster than a bullet train.

  He watched as the two guards next to him froze, then a moment later their heads simply fell off their body and they collapsed to the ground. He saw the blur again, and two more guards were beheaded.

  He saw her then, stopped for the moment, glaring at the captain. She was short, maybe a few inches past five feet. She was wearing a guard uniform, but different from the Egerians, he could only assume it was a guard uniform from Abelaweth. She had two blades in her hands that at first he thought were made of glass, they were transparent and distorted the image seen through them, but he quickly realized they must be made of compressed air.

  He thought she might be attractive, but the look on her face was of absolute rage and hate. She was breathing hard as if she were extremely tired. She screamed again and rushed forward, two more soldiers died, and another three were tossed twenty feet away to crash into a building. They did not get back up.

  Then she screamed a third time, but this time in pain and he cringed in understanding, he had felt that agony. Her blades of air disappeared as she collapsed to the ground. The captain looked at her and smiled.

  “Good, perhaps the colonel will be happy when I report the bitch that got away is now dead, just like the rest of them.”

  He felt a physical pain in his heart at the scream of agony that left her mouth at that pronouncement. Not from the physical pain she must be feeling, but the agony of deep loss beyond his comprehension, and deep sadness. It pierced him sharply, he had never seen such agony bared before. His own anger of the situation drained away as his focus changed solely to the woman, he was filled with compassion for the stranger who had attacked their enemies and a feeling of protectiveness rose up within him.

  With that feeling rose something else, that he had never felt before. Power.

  He burst into white flame. It was not normal fire, it didn’t even give off heat. His chains turned quickly to rust and fell off of him, turning to dust before reaching the ground. His tired aching and tortured muscles felt refreshed. These were flames with the power to change, to restore, to heal, and to protect. He instantly understood this power could not be used to destroy in anger, it could not be used to kill at all... It had been his compassion that summoned it, and he knew now, that anger and hate would smother his power.

  It had been his earlier anger that had stopped him from finding it earlier in the fight.

  White fire exploded from his body in a giant expanding ring of flames, carrying the intent to protect the woman, and the rest of the town folk. The soldiers left alive around them were unaffected, but their weapons along with all the chains on the young townspeople turned to dust.

  The captain gaped around in disbelief. “What magic is this?”

  The stranger, the woman who wielded air said as she stood, no longer in pain, no longer tired and sheathed in a protective flame, her voice ringing with triumph, “The harbinger of your death.”

  He watched as a blade of compressed air shot from her hand and grew to body width when it reached the captain. The captain opened his mouth and gasped in pain as his body split in twain. The remaining soldiers started to attack with their bare hands and some tried to use their talents. Fire, earth, telekinesis… they were all transmuted and absorbed by his protective flames.

  They did have some luck with hand to hand combat, his power could not take a life. Or perhaps would not. Three of the villagers died before the woman of air and the rest of the townspeople overwhelmed and killed the remaining soldiers. When the last of the danger was gone, the flames all returned to him and dissipated.

  He understood now, why most people would not want to talk about their talent. He had felt her, felt the goddess through an almost intimate connection, had felt her love for him. It would be wrong, crass, to share something so private with someone. Worse than a player bragging at work the next day about the hot bitch he bagged. It was personal, his connection to a goddess he know knew, beyond a doubt, was real.

  He went over and checked on Kat, she was fine and gave him a hug and a kiss. He was filled with relief and elation, and not a little wonder at the magical talent he discovered inside him. When he was able to tear his eyes of Katrina, who he wanted badly right now, after the adrenaline of the situation, he was startled at how close the stranger was standing to him.

  He recovered and smiled at her, “Thanks, you showed up at an opportune time to save us.”

  She just snorted. “I’d be dead if it weren’t for you, so thank you for that. Now I get to kill a lot more of those fuckers before I die.”

  Now that she was closer, and standing still, he could see how attractive she was, but overriding that assessment was the look of fierce hate on her visage, and the offhand comment of her own death was chilling in the matter of fact way she delivered it. It was what she said next though that caused his mouth to drop open, then close in shock.

  “You need to come with me, join the army. Those pieces of shit fuckers from Egeria won’t stand a chance if you’re there to nullify their talents. I’d rather continue through the towns killing the bastards, but you are too important to not make that happen.”

  She frowned which gave him the impression she was unhappy to take time away from her killing until dead spree that she seem
ed to be on.

  When he didn’t answer right away she said, “You will come won’t you? The goddess gave you that power for a reason, didn’t you feel that captain’s power? It was evil, which means a dark god… Wake up and stop gaping at me!” she barked the last of it.

  He looked at Kat, mostly for an opinion he trusted, but partly for reassurance.

  Kat nodded slightly, reluctantly, and said, “She is right. It’s your choice of course, we have free will. But for reasons we may never understand the goddess gifted you with a key power for this fight. A Flame of Cytherea hasn’t been seen in the last thousand years. I know we haven’t known each other that long, but I don’t believe you would turn away from that. No more than you could when you were powerless with a couple of hatchets.”

  He just nodded, she was right, he needed to go. It was just taking some time for his brain to catch up. “I’ll go, when are we leaving?”

  The stranger said, “Now, sooner if it were possible, and by the way, my name is Nora,” softer she said, “Last surviving member of the Elite women warriors,” she made a face, “Stupid name I know, but the king named it, and he is just a man after all.”

  He ignored the jab at men the world over and replied, “Very well, my name is Justin, and this is Katrina…”

  He trailed off suddenly feeling very alone. It had only been maybe thirty six hours, but she was really the only person he knew, plus, he didn’t want to leave her, at all. Not after last night and the way they got along. He just looked at her and she smiled, and then claimed his hand with her own. She must have read the way he felt in his face…

  Katrina snorted, “You don’t think I’m letting you get away do you? I’m coming too. Ben and Cynthia can watch the inn while I’m gone, not a problem,” she looked him straight in the eye a mischievous smile on her face, but her voice sounded quite serious, “I just found you after all, can’t let you wander off alone now.”

  They went back to the inn long enough to grab supplies, then Nora took the lead since she knew generally where the army would be and they were off running to meet the army.

  Chapter 5

  Katrina wondered what the hell she was doing. She glanced at Justin again and felt a tug on her heart. She had just met him yesterday morning for goddess’s sake, and she just abandoned her inn like it was meaningless to follow him. Like she hadn’t poured her heart and soul into it, and fought hard to keep it after her parents passed. How did that make sense?

  She had seen a sense of loss in his eyes at the idea of leaving her behind, and something inside of her had echoed that back. It had been a spur of the moment response to that feeling. She found that even now, thinking about how stupid it was, she couldn’t bring herself to regret the decision. She also knew if she hadn’t come, she would have regretted it for the rest of her life.

  What was bothering her is she couldn’t figure out why. She didn’t love him, not yet. She knew the potential was there for it though, and everything about him seemed to stir something within her. She finally gave up, deciding to just go with it and see where it led. She was also hoping they stopped soon, she had an unbearable urge to go for a walk in the woods with him, alone.

  Speaking of alone, or not being alone, Nora was a mystery she wanted to figure out. The young woman had her whole life ahead of her, yet seemed focused on revenge, and dying. It would be impossible to hold a conversation at this speed though, so she pushed it to the back of her mind.


  They were jogging at a speed that was incredibly fast due to Nora’s talent. She was in a hurry to get things done and was surprised when Justin agreed so quickly, doing nothing but look trusting. It was strange, she was all ready to argue with a thick witted male and his simple and trusting acquiescence had taken the air right out of her sails and she was caught open mouthed for a moment. It was almost as if he thought her competent and accepted her word without question.

  Admittedly what she was doing was very dangerous, she had to push and cushion all three of them separately in her mind, it took a lot of concentration. She was more than up to the challenge of course, but they wouldn’t have known that. Most air talents would have killed them on accident by now. Still, she needed to get this done and get back to her revenge.

  When she had thought death imminent it hadn’t really bothered her, she missed her sisters dearly. But when she felt his flames cradle and protect her she immediately knew he was a Flame of Cytherea. Most people didn’t even believe in the old legends of the Flame. Yet, there she had been, protected and rejuvenated by it.

  She had no choice, duty once again trumping her desire for revenge. Worse, she had the feeling she should stick around to protect him. She snorted. Why the goddess chose a male was beyond her. She knew her opinion of men was overly harsh, but she couldn’t help herself.

  It was stupid, them thinking women were less than they were, when she was a case to prove otherwise, yet they still persisted. She looked at Justin again thoughtfully.

  That was another thing that freaked her out about him. He didn’t try to talk down to her, at all. In fact he had seemed a little scared of her at times when she went off on a rant. She frowned at that, perhaps she ought to tone it down a bit. She had been so focused on revenge and the thought of joining her sisters that all the social niceties went down the toilet. Well, at least the ones that she did follow.

  She estimated the military was a normal day’s march south of the capital by now, she couldn’t go nearly as fast while pushing two people with her, so they probably wouldn’t meet up until tomorrow, sometime mid morning maybe.

  She sighed, finally admitting to herself that keeping him safe was her duty. Her mind had been mulling it over non-stop since he had saved her life. If the goddess thought the Flame was necessary, they would probably lose if he died. Not that she knew Cytherea’s mind, it just made sense. If a talent shows up that hasn’t been seen in a thousand years, the goddess probably only gives it out reluctantly in special circumstances.

  She did cheer up when she considered, that perhaps with him she would get to kill more Egerian bastards before dying, than she would without him. Maybe staying to protect him wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all…


  Nicole Christina Althone, princess of Abelaweth was somewhat of a rebel. She didn’t think her father would mind… too much. Ok, she was lying to herself, but she knew at the worst she would be punished by her father the king as a dad, not accused of treason by disobeying his orders.

  She was determined to fight. She had been present early this morning when poor Nora came back alone with a horrific tail of death and invasion. She had tried to join the elite women warriors in the past, but her father had told her no, and she didn’t understand why. She was a princess, but so what? It wasn’t like she would ever rule, could ever rule. Plus she had two older brothers for that anyway.

  She was just… an ornament. She hated it.

  She understood after a fashion, it wouldn’t look good if the king’s daughter joined what amounted to the misfits of society… except that was where she fit in. The royal family had always been among the most powerful of the shape shifters. The founding king had actually been a dragon, although there currently weren’t any in her family it still cropped up from time to time. Still, they were strong, and had secondary talents based off of what they shifted into.

  She was determined to fight… all she had to do was sneak out of the castle. She looked into a mirror and saw green piercing eyes, fair skin and long curly hair the color of fire. She frowned looking at her elaborate dress, that wouldn’t do for traveling, or fighting. She didn’t have much of a choice though, all her closets had in them were silly dresses. Whenever she had asked for simpler clothing she was denied.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t love wearing a dress, she did, but having something else for riding or weapons practice would be nice, of course, she wasn’t allowed those activities despite her begging.

  She looked
out the window and considered it. There was just no way she could leave that way, her other form wouldn’t ever be missed by the guards and her father would be after her in moments. She considered for a moment in anger, so what, she was more powerful. Then, overcome by shame at the thought she dropped her shoulders and felt helpless.

  She looked in her closet one more time in miserable desperation, knowing she wouldn’t find anything. To her shock she saw a leather riding outfit. Excited, she grabbed it then changed. She looked into the mirror and blushed.

  Her large breasts looked squeezed together and lifted, showing way too much cleavage. She was also a little uncomfortable at the amount of skin showing, and the womanly curves that the dresses hid so well were in plain sight. Then she got angry with herself. Yes, it showed too much for a princess perhaps, but it was not too much for a warrior. In fact the leather looked a lot like the uniforms the warriors she had wanted to join wore.

  She realized despite being eighteen, she was not used to others seeing her body, and she was… nervous about it. Yet, war was coming, and she wanted, no needed, to help. She was not just an ornament and she would prove it. She slipped on the calf high leather boots she found with the clothes and headed for the secret passageway.

  It wouldn’t do to get caught now after all.

  She slipped out near the armory and grabbed a leather helmet. Even in these clothes she would be immediately seen for who she was by her hair. It was unique to her across the kingdom after all. She put her hair up in a bun, then covered it with the helmet. Almost as an afterthought, she looked through the weapons and grabbed a long dagger and sheathe, attaching it to her uniform.

  She took the passages again as close to the castle’s servants entrance as she could, then boldly stepped out and walked toward the door, acting as if she belonged there. The guard didn’t say a word as she walked by. She blushed in embarrassment. The guard’s gaze had not gotten any higher than her chest…


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