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jims legacy 01 - jim sees dead people Page 7
jims legacy 01 - jim sees dead people Read online
Page 7
The light bit into him and he cried out, but was able to block the rest of my attack. He snarled at me and then stepped into an inky pool of darkness and disappeared.
I ran back out and grabbed Nikki and brought her to Andrea and said, “What the hell was that thing, and what did he do to Nikki?”
Her voice was full of fear and shock. “I’ll be back in a minute to explain, I need to get her help before her energy breaks up any worse.” Then looking at me severely she demanded, “Stay here and guard Sam!”
Andrea reached out and touched Nikki’s forehead and they both disappeared in a flash of light.
I checked Sam and Gabriela, they seemed fine. I paced for a while but finally calmed down. Once I had a moment to think I figured out the obvious way to help Marie. I sent a cleansing energy into the power link between us then pulled on the power in the link and Marie appeared before me, the last of the twisting energies fading away as she solidified.
I pulled my Marie into my arms and asked softly, “Are you okay baby?”
She melted against me and started crying, whispering how sorry she was for what she said to me. Eventually I got her to calm down enough to tell me what happened.
Marie said, “It was a necromancer, he attacked Nikki while taunting us about how he was going to kill you for killing his pet. That twisted asshole vampire was actually his creature, who knows how much of the evil he did was against his will or nature. When he said he would come after you I… Well I kind of lost it at the thought of him hurting you, so I attacked him.
“His power though, it reached inside me and started to twist me, I was angry at you and didn’t understand why, I couldn’t control it. He disappeared as he said, ‘I’m going to destroy that coven of bitches then come back and finish off your master,’ right before you walked in. You know what happened then. I screamed at you, I was so angry that I was afraid I would attack you, so I ran away instead.”
She looked ashamed as she buried her face in my chest. I kissed the top of her head.
I said reassuringly, “I know it wasn’t your fault, I love you Marie, and you were right about one thing. I do belong to you, don’t forget it.”
She looked up at me with a teary smile and kissed me. “So tell me what happened after I left.”
I filled her in on what I did and that the angels were gone. Then I started kissing her again when a random thought brought me up short.
“Baby, can you do me a favor? Pop out and make sure Mia and Pia are ok?”
Marie giggled and put her arms out and crossed them and said, “Yes master,” right before disappearing.
I think some of my goofy during stress must have rubbed off on her. I suddenly sensed dark energy behind me and tried to raise a shield, cursing myself for lowering it in the first place, but I was too late. My last worried thought was about my friends as I lost consciousness.
I woke up tied up in the cellar, I tried to release light energy to burn the ropes off but nothing happened. I examined my mirror setup and noticed a screen of dark energy covered the conduit to the other side. I had no energy left in my body either. Fuck.
I heard an evil cackle and muttered, “Seriously? Fucking walking cliché.”
I managed to open my eyes and saw half the vampires on their knees, his twisting dark energy invading their aura’s putting them under his control. Oh shit, this looks bad. I looked around hopefully and saw 6 other vamps being held in a cage. That means 2 were missing. I figured out it was Gabby and Stephanie. I saw no sign of Marie, Pia or Mia and sighed in relief. Unfortunately Sam was tied up next to me.
“So dude, really, what’s the point? So I killed a piece of shit vamp you had under your thumb, get a new one and move on, what’s with the revenge?” I was hoping to get him to talk and drag things out, I needed an opportunity.
He growled and said, “My toy, I can’t let others break my stuff, so I am here to break your toys and kill you, make sure no one else touches my stuff. All the others would make fun of me!”
Crap. The guy was a total nut bag.
I said, “I don’t have toys, I have friends, and lovers, not slaves. Besides it looks like you already took them out, what’s your plan for me?”
He growled out, “Don’t try to lie to me! I have another ghost and a human to get still. I’ll kill you after they are either my toys or dead.”
I held back my sigh of relief. He didn’t know the angel was getting help or that I healed Marie.
I was trying to come up with a plan and failing badly when my mouth dropped open. Stephanie and Gabriella walked into the cellar in lingerie, despite my situation I felt my blood rush to my center at the sight of the two beautiful women dressed so provocatively.
The necromancer stared to, they ignored him completely. Both bowing to me Gabriella said in a sultry fuck me voice, “We will kill this rabble master, and then pleasure you throughout the night.”
Huh? My cock got rock hard. Crap, with effort I stopped thinking with my dick and realized this was a distraction, for what I didn’t know. But I hoped it was for someone else, because the distraction totally had me distracted.
He sneered and said, “Good, I don’t need to hunt you little sluts down, this should be…”
He cut off as a beaker broke across his head, even I didn’t see that coming. He screamed as some kind of acid burned his face, then Gabriella jumped forward and punched him in the neck with her full vampire strength decapitating the crazy son of a bitch in one blow.
I turned to see who threw the beaker full of acid and my jaw dropped as I gasped out, “Mia?”
She turned and winked at me then said, “Well us ladies needed to save our sex toy… errr, I mean you are very important to us and we had to save you.”
I looked her slowly up and down a leering grin on my face and said, “I am here to serve mistress.”
Then laughing I said, “Thanks for saving me, I was pretty screwed.”
Checking my insides I noticed his energy had not fled, I was still powerless, and the other 10 vampires started to weep when they saw master dead, so they were still twisted and mind screwed.
I sighed, “Can someone cut me loose, I am powerless until someone can blow away this dark energy blockage.”
Gabriela snapped the ropes with a quick pull and I said, “Thanks Gabby, can you guys ummm, get dressed, that was a really great distraction by the way.”
Gabriela looked to Sam and then Mia and said, “I can free up that dark energy, but, I need to bite him to do it.”
Sam shrugged and said, “He saved our life a million times, I won’t get upset or jealous.”
Mia nodded, “I agree, I assume it’s kind of intimate, but what’s the big deal about it, you seem hesitant.”
Gabriela nodded. “Well the bite is intimate but your right, it’s not that part. It’s the part where he has the best orgasm of his life that might cause jealousy. It’s not exactly like giving me permission to have sex with him, but its close.”
Mia nodded, “Well we have to free his power, as long as I can watch I don’t care, I am already sharing his orgasms with three other women, so what’s a onetime thing that he needs?”
Gabriela explained, “Ok, normal people when we just grab a snack so to speak, we use our powers to erase the encounter from their minds, so all they remember is a vaguely pleasant experience.
“For committed vampire human relationships the bite isn’t done until both parties are sure and in love, that helps with the addiction, plus more would always be available in that case of course.
“You are a special case, you aren’t my lover and there is no chance I can wipe your memory once your power comes back you will be immune to it. There is a good chance you will dream of having me and crave me while you are awake. It should wear off eventually though, maybe a few months. But it will take a lot of willpower, along the lines of quitting an addicting drug. It’s all in your mind though, there is no physical addiction. It won’t
actually harm you.”
She reluctantly admitted with a guilty look toward Sam and Mia, “The fact that we both find each other attractive will make the effects worse I’m afraid. Also, if we do this you need to add your own block, once I remove that one your power could flood my body and kill me, or at least inanimate me.”
Damn, she was gorgeous but she belonged to Sam, this would be very awkward if I was pining after her for months. I waited for Sam and Mia to decide.
Mia said, “What about Stephanie, if you are worried about the attraction thing, at least if it was them two neither of you would feel guilt about it.”
Stephanie turned red faced and shook her head.
Mia said, “Not a good idea,” she looked awkward and didn’t want to explain it, how could it be more embarrassing than what she just admitted?
Sam coughed and explained, glancing at Stephanie in apology, “It goes back to the mate thing, they wait for both to be in love for a reason. Only one being in love would cause issues. If I hadn’t loved Gabby I would have been bound to her anyway by her love, I would have been consumed with both the addiction to her and full of loathing because of it.”
I cringed figuring out the obvious. Stephanie was in love with me. Crap. She was a great gal and attractive as hell, but no love there for me. Now I understood how it could be more awkward.
Mia finally nodded getting it as well and told her to just get it over with. Gabriela picked me up and headed upstairs for some privacy beckoning Mia to follow.
I asked on the walk there, “Anyone seen Marie, Pia or the Angels?”
Gabriela laughed, “Yes, they are right behind us. Apparently you are too drained to see anymore. Marie and Nikki are fine with this and sure I won’t hurt you. Pia is fine with the sexual component but is worried about me hurting you. She is glaring right now actually.”
She turned to Mia and said, “Your sister is fierce, I like her a lot.” Then she mock whispered to empty air, presumably Pia, “Don’t worry, I owe him my life a hundred times over. Plus I like him a lot, just don’t love him.”
She seemed to be answering a question as she shrugged and said, “I’m sure he is, but I haven’t spent enough time with him to get there, plus I love Sam and that would be oh so damn awkward.”
I smiled at the thought of Pia protecting me. She is fierce, except in bed where she is a kitten.
We got to the bedroom and I blushed when she laid me down and mounted me. Her light creamy chocolate skin was in my view, her most private parts covered by sexy and racy lace lingerie. Her warm brown eyes were laughing at me as she watched me check her out, she could already feel how attractive I thought she was as my hard cock was snug between her ass cheeks and kept jumping.
She leaned down toward my neck, her long dark brown hair teasing my skin as it draped across my body. Her breath against my neck caused my cock to surge and twitch against her plump but firm ass. I felt a sting of pain as her fangs entered the base of my neck by my shoulder.
The sting quickly faded as a powerful orgasm hit me faster than lightning. I felt her suck out the dark energy block along with my blood and had just enough presence of mind to put my own block in place, to protect her from my power.
I felt my cock unload into my pants as my whole body was consumed in ecstasy. It went on and on in the longest and most intensive orgasm I have ever had. What Gabriela did not mention in her explanation was her reaction. I felt her legs clamp around mind as she sucked my blood, her screaming orgasm muted against the flesh of my neck as she ground her pussy against the hardened lump in my pants.
I could feel my pants get soaked as she squirted, soaking her panties first, followed by my pants and finally my cock and balls. She stopped and licked my throat, causing it to tingle and I felt the wounds closing. I took gasping breaths as I had not been able to breathe during that close to 3 minute intense orgasm.
I could see why I would want to seek her out. The thought of being sheathed inside her core while being bitten by her caused me to shiver and look at my ladies in guilt. The only thing that came close to my intense orgasm with Gabby is the amazing orgasm’s my angel gives me through application of her power when I start to cum.
I looked over at Nikki and saw the big smile on her face and thought at her, please don’t ever tell the other women that, they don’t need to know, plus you all have different charms in bed. God it’s good to see you whole Nikki. I almost cried at the sight of it, despite the fact I was still cradled in pleasure. She blushed at my intense loving and caring thoughts. I managed to hold it in however, so no need for anyone to come for my man card.
I looked up at Gabriela and got caught in her liquid brown eyes. They were filled with amazement, and a deep lust.
I said in a questioning voice, “Gabby? You okay? Thanks by the way, I’m back to normal, outside wanting to rip off your clothes and have my way with you that is.”
She said, “My orgasm… It’s normal to have a small one… Can you imagine me having an orgasm like that in public, it wouldn’t work. Anyway, your blood is… Amazing. I can only imagine the light energy that normally is present in your body keeps it clean of any impurities. You won’t be the only one going through withdrawal. Actually I need to go now before I beg you to rip off my clothes and fuck my brains out.”
Gabriela jumped up and ran out the door. Oops. Gabby’s comment made me feel both kind of guilty and really hot at the same time. Thank god she left. I am a man of strong will but not a saint.
I got up as well and I smiled happily at Marie and Pia. Then I felt how soaked I was, and I looked down at the bed and it was soaked as well. Damn she can squirt. That is so fucking hot.
“Umm, anyone have a spare pair of pants or sweats? I need to see if there is something I can do with those 10 vamps dickhead managed to twist into slavery.”
Mia said, “That can wait a bit.” All the other ladies nodded and agreed giving me a strange glassy eyed look.
I looked at them and asked, “Why, something else come up that’s more important?”
Mia said, “Yes, that was the hottest fucking thing I ever saw,” turning to Nikki she said, “Do your magic thing to his beautiful cock, we aren’t leaving until he’s drilled all four of us.”
I watched as Pia, Nikki and Marie all nodded in agreement with Mia and looked at me with lust while they stripped themselves down. I of course did as any man would do in that situation. I obeyed the woman that blessed my life with situations like this. Nikki walked up and zapped me the way she does and I was hard again. The four ladies pushed me down onto the bed.
The sisters pulled my arms out wide on the bed then ground themselves against my hands. I assumed this was to keep them apart by going opposite each other. Anyway I knew what to do as I pushed two fingers into each Pia and Mia, their already wet cores accepting me easily, causing them to arch their backs and gasp.
They started riding my fingers as Marie tasted my cock which was a mixture of my batter and Gabriela’s honey. Our combined taste made her moan in approval, when she had my cock cleaned she crawled up my body and impaled herself on my hard pole.
Marie said, “Damn she taste great too, if she didn’t belong to Sam I would invite her back in.”
Marie’s eyes widened when my cock jumped hard in her pussy, then looked worried as she understood what an effect Gabby had on me. I looked up at her with love in my eyes to reassure her, wanting Gabby didn’t change how I felt about anyone else. Lastly my beautiful but extremely naughty angel sat on my face and I could no longer see anyone.
I did however have a great view of a perfect petite and rounded ass. My hands were busy and I wanted that ass, so I bit her thigh and pulled her forward nodding my head forward, far enough so I could reach it. I heard Nikki gasp in pleasure as I invaded her dark hole with my tongue. I groaned into it loudly as I felt Marie grinding against me causing intense pleasurable sensations on my cock.
This continued as the girls rose together, I just lay there and had no contro
l, except maybe my tongue on the angel. Nikki was a slave to the pleasure of my tongue. The other three rode my body parts and rose together. The four of them came as one, it was so hot I exploded and filled Marie up, my balls pumping what cum I had left after Gabriela had pretty much milked it all out of me. At the same time I was drinking down angel nectar as Nikki ground backwards in a scream and came over my mouth in a waterfall.
As Marie got off me Nikki moved forward and zapped my cock again. It was a strange dichotomy as I felt both the week limbs and pleasant after sex feeling but somehow the lust and anticipation of my cock pleasuring another of my lovers. I was drowning in pleasurable sensations.
The ladies held me down as they shifted positions. I could taste Mia’s honey as she lowered her soaked pussy on to my mouth. Marie and Nikki were cleaning off Mia’s and Pia’s pussy juice off my fingers with their warm and tantalizing lips and tongue before mounting them. I felt Pia’s mouth suck my cock clean of Marie’s honey before I felt her tight warmth wrap around my cock.
Pia was normally gentle in bed but she must have been horny as hell because she rode my cock hard. When I started arching my back and meeting her thrusts with my own while licking her sisters pussy and dark hole she started to gasp with each thrust, mewling with pleasure as she simply rutted herself with abandon on my pole.
I couldn’t see but I felt Nikki and Marie lean their bodies, one toward my head and the other toward my feet and I started to hear kissing. My cock got harder and I had to fight cumming at the thought of what they were doing to each other as they used my body to service their hot wet cores. I curled my fingers inside Nikki and Marie and found their G-spot and they all started cumming again drenching my body with all their honey.
This continued for two more rounds as they each took a turn on both my hands, my cock and my face. I didn’t imagine this would happen often, getting all four at once. To be honest two were much more manageable and I felt less like I was pleasuring them then being used by them for pleasure. However they also had the other girls to pick up any slack I left in attentions.